Ingerman, Sandra
Ingerman, Sandra – Neo-shamanic practitioner and author. Ingerman’s most well-known book is Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self (1991), outlining the practice of soul retrieval as taught by Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies, of which she was educational director. She has also written the sequel, Welcome Home: Following Your Soul’s Journey Home, and is the author of a number of other volumes and CDs on neo-shamanic practices, including Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide. Soul retrieval, as it is presented by Ingerman and the foundation, involves visualization, guided meditation, and the healing of psychological ills more than the actual (perceived or otherwise) retrieval of lost souls as in indigenous shamanic contexts—for example, the Greenlandic angakkoq. Ingerman holds an M.A. in counseling psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and teaches workshops on shamanism worldwide.
- Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self by Sandra Ingerman
- Shamanic Journeying by Sandra Ingerman
- Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation by Sandra Ingerman , Hank Wesselman
- Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee (Editor), Wendell Berry (Editor), Thich Nhat Hanh, Joanna Macy
- How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation by Sandra Ingerman
- The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman by Hank Wesselman, Foreword By Sandra Ingerman
- Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of a Shamanic Life by Sandra Ingerman
- Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth by Sandra Ingerman , Llyn Roberts
- The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life by Sandra Ingerman
- Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins by Sandra Ingerman
- Yearning for the Wind: Celtic Reflections on Nature and the Soul by Tom Cowan, Foreword by Sandra Ingerman
- Welcome Home: Following Your Soul’s Journey Home by Sandra Ingerman
- Spirit Walking: A Course in Shamanic Power by Evelyn Rysdyk, Foreword by Sandra Ingerman
- The Soul Retrieval Journey: Seeing in the Dark by Sandra Ingerman
- The Hollow Bone: A Field Guide to Shamanism by Colleen Deatsman, Sandra Ingerman
- Shamanic Meditations: Guided Journeys for Insight, Vision, and Healing by Sandra Ingerman
- The Shaman’s Toolkit: Ancient Tools for Shaping the Life and World You Want to Live In by Sandra Ingerman
- Shamanic Visioning by Sandra Ingerman
- Waking Up: Over 30 Perspectives on Spiritual Awakening – What Does It Really Mean? by Jack Kornfield, Eckhart Tolle, Sally Kempton, Reggie Ray
- How to Thrive in Changing Times: Simple Tools to Create True Health, Wealth, Peace, and Joy for Yourself and the Earth by Sandra Ingerman
- The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt by Normandi Ellis, Nicki Scully, Sandra Ingerman
- A Fall to Grace by Sandra Ingerman
- The Hidden Worlds by Sandra Ingerman
- The Nepalese Shamanic Path: Practices for Negotiating the Spirit World by Evelyn C. Rysdyk, Bhola Nath Banstola , Sandra Ingerman (Foreword)
- Soul Journeys: Music for Shamanic Practice by Sandra Ingerman
- The Invocation Book: An Exploration of Oneness and a Call for World Peace by Sandra Ingerman, Emmanuel Itier, Gary Quinn
Historical Dictionary of Shamanism by Graham Harvey and Robert J. Wallis 2007