
Lilin, singular: Lili Variations: LILIM,

Lil-in In Jewish folklore the lilin are a species of Succubus. They were born the daughters of Adam and Lilith. These nocturnal demons prey upon newborn baby boys until they are eight days old and newborn girls until they are twenty days old.

The lilin will also attack menstruating virgins, pregnant women, and the children of men who fantasize about other women while having sexual intercourse with their wives. These demons cause barrenness, complications during childbirth, and miscarriages. These nocturnal demons can be kept from attacking if potential victims wear a protective amulet.


  • Hyatt, Book of Demons, 51;
  • Hurwitz, Lilith: The First Eve, 72, 88;
  • Rogers, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, 147.