The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might – Courtney Weber

The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might - Courtney WeberAn illuminating exploration of Ireland’s ancient dark goddess the beloved phantom queen of the Celtic world with practices for modern-day devotees.

The Morrigan is one of Pagan Ireland’s most famous–and notorious–goddesses. Her name translated as “phantom queen” or “great queen,” the Morrigan is famous for being a goddess of war, witchcraft and death, protection and retribution. This book also explores her patronage of motherhood, healing, shapeshifting, and the land. Classified among the Sidhe (fairies), the Morrigan dates back at least to Ireland’s Iron Age, but she is as modern as she is ancient―enjoying a growing contemporary and global following. Author Courtney Weber provides a guide for the modern devotee of this complex, mysterious goddess that encompasses practical veneration with modern devotionals, entwined with traditional lore and Irish-Celtic history.

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The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might - Courtney Weber

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