The Paranormal Equation A New Scientific Perspective on Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance, and Other Inexplicable Phenomena – James Stein

The Paranormal Equation A New Scientific Perspective on Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance, and Other Inexplicable Phenomena - James SteinMost of us think science is incapable of explaining supernatural phenomena. This would include everything from ghosts and communication with the dead to extrasensory perception (ESP), precognition, and telekinesis. Scientists are generally highly skeptical of the existence of such phenomena because of the lack of the rigorous documentation that science requires. Nevertheless, many great scientists have believed–and do believe–in the supernatural.

The Paranormal Equation presents an argument for the existence of supernatural phenomena based on the mathematics and science discovered during the last century. It also explains why supernatural phenomena must exist if the universe satisfies certain conditions–conditions which are accepted by many working scientists.

The Paranormal Equation explores such questions as:
How can we distinguish between the truly unknown and the supernatural?
How have scientists attempted to study the supernatural?
What are the rational reasons for believing in the supernatural?
Which hypotheses about the universe mandate the existence of supernatural phenomena?

Anyone interested in how science is beginning to understand and even explain the seemingly unexplainable will want to read this fascinating new title.

Read Online :

The Paranormal Equation A New Scientific Perspective on Remote Viewing, Clairvoyance, and Other Inexplicable Phenomena - James Stein


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