Unlock the Secrets of the Demonic Realm with Our Comprehensive Demonology Course Are you ready to dive deep into the… Discover the Secrets of Lenormand: A Comprehensive Course for Beginners and Enthusiasts Unlock the power of the Lenormand cards with… UNLEASH YOUR POWER : MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS INTO REALITY IN 365 DAYS Are you ready to transform your life, one…
Throughout history, humans have attempted to influence and control the thoughts of others. Since the word 'brainwashing' was coined in the aftermath of the Korean War, it has become part of the popular culture and been exploited to create sensational headlines. It has also been the subject of learned discussion from many disciplines: including history, sociology, psychology, and psychotherapy. But until now, a crucial part of the debate has been missing: that of any serious ...
Do you feel like you are just a pawn in someone else’ chess game? Are you tired of being manipulated at every turn? Would you like to be able to detect and discern genuine emotions in others so that you can protect yourself from being emotionally abused and manipulated? Then this is just the book you need. Dark Psychology: The Practical Uses and Best Defenses of Psychological Warfare in Everyday Life helps you understand more ...
Mackay’s work, first published in 1841, chronicles the various fallacies and delusions that have afflicted human thinking during the modern period. Though the scope of the first edition was wide ranging--including alchemy, fortune-telling, haunted houses and other forms of philosophical delusion. Read Online : THIS CONTENT IS SHOWN ONLY TO AUTHORIZED MEMBERS. IT IS HIDDEN FROM EVERYONE ELSE. Charles Mackay- Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds END OF HIDDEN CONTENT BOOKS FOR YOU ...
If you’re tired of being manipulated, then there are ways that you can stop the control others have over you. Whether you’re being tricked into doing things you don’t want, or others are taking advantage of you, there are ways to stop manipulation and persuasion in its tracks. This is the second book in the Dark Psychology series. The first one gave a groundwork for what different types of persuasion and manipulation might be. This ...
Jung and the Alchemical Imagination illustrates the spiritual nature of Jungian psychology and the debt it owes to the tradition of esoteric religion. Unlike other books on Jung and alchemy which contain a psychological interpretation of alchemical material, this work uses alchemy to understand the three cornerstones of Jungian spirituality--the self, the transcendent function, and active imagination. Through the interpretation of alchemical imagery, Raff explains the nature of these three concepts and illustrates how together ...
MindStar explores the mystery of the human soul: what it is, how it can be detected, and how it can be creatively and productively activated. Included is a historical survey of misapprehensions, misuses, and outright rejections of this central, crucial metaphysical core of human existence. The soul, or "MindStar" as redefined herein, is the key to individual conscious immortality, which is addressed and prescribed clearly and coherently. My companion books MindWar and FindFar detail the ...
Throughout human history, thoughts, values and behaviors have been colored by language and the prevailing view of the universe. With the advent of Quantum Mechanics, relativity, non-Euclidean geometries, non-Aristotelian logic and General Semantics, the scientific view of the world has changed dramatically from just a few decades ago. Nonetheless, human thinking is still deeply rooted in the cosmology of the middle ages. Quantum Psychology is the book to change your way of perceiving yourself—and the ...
Do you feel like other people always get the best of you? Do you wish you were more assertive in dealing with others? Have you ever felt bullied or dismissed by others? Want to get some payback? Then you're ready to take psychological warfare seriously. You'll never have a mere conversation again after putting our tricks into practice. This book teaches you personal interaction on a psychological level. It runs from trivial tricks like getting ...
In the most of the world, psychopaths have gotten a bad rap. That, of course, is quite understandable since almost all of the world's religious and social philosophies have little use for the individual except as a tool to be placed in service to their notion of something else: 'God,' or the 'collective,' or the 'higher good' or some other equally undefinable term. Only rarely, such as in Zen; in Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism; ...
The lies you've been told--and worse, the lies you tell yourself--keep you neatly and blindly confined in a prison that society doesn't want you even to see. In his inimitable style, Dr. Hyatt takes you on a walking tour of your cell, and then gives you the tools to tunnel out! Read Online : THIS CONTENT IS SHOWN ONLY TO AUTHORIZED MEMBERS. IT IS HIDDEN FROM EVERYONE ELSE. To Lie Is Human: Not Getting Caught ...
The great psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich once wrote, ''No President, Academy, Court of Law, Congress or Senate on this earth has the knowledge or power to decide what will be the knowledge of tomorrow.'' In 1957, the government of the United States of America jailed Dr. Reich and burned all of his published works. Wilhelm Reich in Hell provides a remarkable new look at the vilification and destruction of a great man who refused to bow ...
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