The traveller’s guide to the astral plane – Steve Richards

The traveller's guide to the astral plane - Steve RichardsFor thousands of years men have believed that there is a world of reality and experience beyond the physical plane to which the subtle or astral body, freed from its prison of flesh, has access. Drawing on a fascinating array of material, both eastern and western, Steve Richards presents a unique panoramic view of astral reality – the essential features of the astral landscape, the many facets of astral experience, and how to embark on a never-to-be-forgotten journey of exploration beyond the body. Subjects covered include: suspended animation; near-death experiences; astral sex; heaven and hell; astral meditation.

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The traveller's guide to the astral plane - Steve Richards

Astral Travel


Astral Voyages - Bruce Goldberg
Dreams and Astral Travel - Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Astral Travel for Beginners: Transcend Time and Space with Out-of-Body Experiences - Richard Webster
The Astral Projection Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Astral Travel - Erin Pavlina
The traveller's guide to the astral plane - Steve Richards
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