The Demon Focalor is a fallen Angel and the 41st of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Prior to his fall, Focalor was a member of the angelic order of thrones. In Hell, he reigns as a duke with 31 Legions of Demons. He appears as a man with griffin wings. He has the power of the wind and the sea and drowns men and sinks warships.
If commanded, he will not harm anyone. Prior to his fall, he was in the order of thrones. After 1,000 years, he hopes to return to the seventh heaven.
From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
FOCALOR. – The Forty-first Spirit is Focalor, or Forcalor, or Furcalor. He is a Mighty Duke and Strong. He appeareth in the Form of a Man with Gryphon’s Wings. His office is to slay Men, and to drown them in the Waters, and tooverthrow Ships of War, for he hath Power over both Winds and Seas; but he will not hurt any man or thing if he be commanded to the contrary by the Exorcist. He also hath hopes to return to the Seventh Throne after 1,000 years. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc.

From the Luciferian Goetia ( 2007 ) – Written by Michael Ford
“Focalor is a murdering spirit, who may also drown individuals in water and causes storms in the seas. If commanded, he will not harm any living being. He was too of the Seventh Throne and seeks to return there after 1,000 years. Focalor governs 30 Legions of spirits and is a powerful servitor to summon in dreaming (Subconscious – Water – Leviathan) sorcery. He too has power of the Air, being a Luciferic Angel as well. “
From the “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” ( 1583 ) Written by Johann Weyer (Johann Wier)
Focalor is a great duke comming foorth as a man, with wings like a griphen, he killeth men, and drowneth them in the waters, and overturneth ships of warre, commanding and ruling both winds and seas. And let the conjuror note, that if he bid him hurt no man, he willinglie consenteth thereto: he hopeth after 1000. yeares to returne to the seventh throne, but he is deceived, he hath three legions.
Original Text:
Focalor Dux magnus, prodit velut homo, habens alas gryphi forma. Accepta humana figura, interficit homines and in aquis submergit. Imperat mari and vento, navesque bellicas subvertit. Notandum omni exorcistæ, si huic mandetur, ne homines lædat, libenter obsequitur. Sperat se post mille annos reversurum ad septimum Thronum, sed fallitur. Triginta legionibus imperat.
From the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (edition of 1863 ) Written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
Original Text :
Focalor, général aux enfers. Il se montre sous les traits d’un homme ayant des ailes de griffon. Sous cette forme il tue les bourgeois et les jette dans les flots. Il commande à la mer, aux vents, et renverse les vaisseaux de guerre. Il espère rentrer au ciel dans mille ans ; mais il se trompe. Il commande à trente légions, et obéit en rechignant à l’exorciste