
Maras: According to the Ars Theurgia , Maras is one of twelve great dukes who serve beneath the demon-king Caspiel, Emperor of the South. Maras and his fellow dukes are reputed to be cantankerous and stubborn, although proper use of their names and their seals will nevertheless allow a skilled individual to compel them to behave. Maras oversees two thousand two hundred and sixty ministering spirits that attend to his needs. Later in the Ars Theurgia, Maras is named among the demons subject to the infernal prince Maseriel. Here, Maras is a duke serving by night with thirty ministering spirits. The name of this demon may be related to the mara, a vicious night-demon thought to prey upon people in their sleep.



The Dictionary of Demons written by Michelle Belanger.


Edited and revised for the Web by Occult Media, the 23rd of April 2021. We use British English spelling.