Mind Control Language Patterns – Dantalion Jones

Mind Control Language Patterns - Dantalion JonesDo you think you could have more power, love, money and security if you learned how to use language to control peoples thoughts and actions?
Mind Control Language Patterns are spoken phrases that can act as ”triggers” to the people who hear them. In short, they influence and control how we respond and cause us to be influenced to do things without our knowing.

These language patterns are not fantasies but are based on documented uses that come from, psychology, hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming and studies of human behavior.

Mind Control Language Patterns can be used to help and hurt.

One can use Mind Control Language Patterns to create positive and lasting change in people, as well as feelings of trust, love and affections.

They can also be used to induce amnesia, fear, insecurity and doubt. These types of patterns are what we call ”dark” pattern.

The sad fact is that there are some people who know these skills and would use them on anyone regardless of the possible negative effect it might cause. Some people have referred to these as ”Dark Side” NLP skills and they do exist! The only way to protect yourself from any of these malicious Mind Control Language Patterns is to know about them. Yes, knowledge is your only defense against the most wicked people who would even think to use them.

Mind Control Language Patterns -  Dantalion Jones


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