The Forbidden Book Of Getting What You Want – Dantalion Jones (J. K. Ellis)

The Forbidden Book Of Getting What You Want - Dantalion Jones (J. K. Ellis)“The most direct, irreverent and devious self-improvement book on the market.” There is nothing “pretty” about this book. It’s about doing what it takes to “get what you want”. Whether you want to get rich, get laid or get even or anything else this book will give you the straightforward insight and knowledge to do it.

This is not a “white lighters” book of “manifestation” but a down and dirty no-holds-barred grimoire designed to set your brain in a fixed direction toward your goal. Sometimes it takes all the subtlety of a sledgehammer of get the point across and that is why “The Forbidden Book of Getting What You Want” was written. Warning! “The Forbidden Book of Getting What You Want” is a trap. Once you read it you can’t “un-read” it.

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