Poltergeist Cases

Amherst Haunting

Amityville Haunting

Athenodorus, haunting of

Baltimore Poltergeist

Bealings Bell-Ringer

Bell Witch

Calvados Castle

Chilliwack Poltergeist

Cock Lane Ghost

Danny the Poltergeist

Drummer of Cortachy

Drummer of Tedworth

Enfield Poltergeist

Epworth Rectory Poltergeist

Grottendieck Stone-Thrower

Hofdi Poltergeist

Jaboticabal Poltergeist

Miami Poltergeist

Oakland Poltergeist

Resch, Tina

Rosenheim Poltergeist Case

Sauchie Poltergeist

Seaford Poltergeist

Staus Poltergeist

Stone-throwing Devil

Thornton Heath Poltergeist