aswang manananggal
aswang manananggal
Shapeshifting Philippine VISCERA SUCKER that flies about as a bodiless head with trailing entrails, feeding on human flesh, Blood, organs, and mucus, especially of fetuses and newborns. It has a long tongue that can suck a fetus out of a womb.
The aswang manananggal is accompanied by small birds who act as FamiliarS and reconnaissance, locating prey. By day, the vampire is either a man or a woman who is likely to be a respected member of the community. Pregnant women can protect themselves by wearing a necklace made of bullets on a string and by smearing coal dust on their abdomens.
From: The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters– Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
-a leading expert on the paranormal – Copyright © 2005 by Visionary Living, Inc.